Let’s be honest…
We don’t buy what we don’t already know.
Life is expensive and we’d rather know for certain whether we like something before we decide to give our (financial) support.
Free stuff!
We decided to make our stories available for free on YouTube and other podcast platforms. Nevertheless, creating our content demands financial resources, blood, sweat, tears and lots of time…
Support us!
We do this out of passion and we will never stop creating, but your financial support can help us to create more stories in a shorter time, since we struggle with our daytime jobs, are raising small kids and our time is limited at the moment.
Join us on Patreon!
Our Patreon platform was presented on March 17th 2021 during an international business meeting. Our official launch was on Sunday March 21th. Within 30 minutes we got our first 2 Patrons and by the next day 8 people had joined us. We are tremendously grateful for the immediate support of these pioneers. Most of them are still with us today. Usually, we have around 20 Patrons but, of course, we would like to grow our community. We’re hoping for a long and prolific period of exciting writing and a lot of new audio creations.
Patreon is the best place to find extra content like bloopers, sneakpeeks, early updates and unique rewards like merchandise. But it is also the number one place to reach us. Depending on the tier, you get cool rewards, like your name in our production or your short story dramatized by us!
Know that you can always join as a free member too! That way, you get acces to a limited number of exclusive updates.
Thank you so much for considering to support us. We would like to meet you on our Patreon platform!
Thank you for buying our novels and e-books!
Some of you have bought physical copies of our audiobooks and audio dramas. Nothing says ‘I appreciate what you’re creating’ more than that. So, thank you for buying our books on Amazon.
Thank you for purchasing our downloads!
Thank you so much for purchasing our digital or extended edition on Bandcamp! You will find a lot of extras with your downloads. The Treasure of Boneyard Bay even contains more than 50 minutes of extra scenes and fragments compared to the free version on YouTube!
Thank you for buying / using our Patreon merchandise!
Thank you for drinking from our Audio Epics mugs, wearing the Audio Epics T-shirts and dragging our tote bags to the library. This way, you will make other people curious about our projects!
Thank you for donating!
Thank you for donating to our projects on this website. Even the smallest amount is like an encouraging slap on the shoulder.
Thank you for watching ads!
Thank you for listening to our stories in episodes on YouTube and watching the ads in the meantime. Some people have let us know that they deactivate their ad blocker each time they listen or don’t skip the commercial just to support us. We know how irritating these ads can get and have noticed they become increatingly irritating, so we are tremendously grateful for your patience!
And for those who love us enough to listen to the intros and outros, we regularly share promo codes or other benefits there to reward you.
Thank you for hiring us!
Thank you for hiring us to write your company’s blogposts or web pages, to (ghost) write or translate your story from English to Dutch (or the other way around), for dramatizing your novel, creating your book trailer, voicing your animation or video project, helping you make creative progress by means of a brainstorm session, or any of our other services! And thank you for telling other people they can!
Want to get a better idea of the service we can provide, also in (Flemish) Dutch? Take a look at our other YouTube channel:
You don’t need any money to support us!
Thank you for your reviews and comments!
Thank you for your lovely comments on YouTube! They are heart-warming and they boost our energy after a long, draining day of boring work, enough to start creating.
Thank you for your honest reviews on Goodreads and Amazon!
Thank you for subscribing, following and sharing!
More subscribers on YouTube and followers on other social media help us tremendously to get more visibility. We value your retweets, emotional reactions and rational feedback. Because of you, we can make each project better!
Since we don’t have the time or money to invest in marketing, it is small things like these shares, likes and subscribes that make a huge difference for us!
Thank you for sharing our YouTube channel or videos, and for liking, sharing and reccomending our stories on social media like:
Some of you have spontaneously recommended us in threads on subreddits like r/audiobooks, r/audiodrama and r/fantasy or told others about us in Discord groups. We cannot thank you enough for this gesture! It has definitely helped us grow our audience!
Thank you for creating!
Last but not least we want to thank you for getting inspired by our stories to start creating yourself! We have been moved by the numerous projects you have taken on, like creating a Witch Hunter D&D campaign, designing and 3D-printing characters from our stories, making paintings and drawings based on scenes from our audiobooks or dressing up like one of our characters at a convention. There was even an elementary school who organized a Will of the Woods theme day. Witnessing how we have stirred your creativity is the best compliment we can get!

The artwork is by Dragan Ciric, the miniature was painted by Martyn Wootton and the cossplayer is Matt Pattane. Keep notifying us of your creations. We might display them on our website with credits and link. We even hired Dragan to create three of our book covers because of the artwork he sent us…

Thank you for your prayers!
If you’re a Christian, we are really grateful if you include us in your prayers, so we may always create timeless and epic stories, and may find the resources to do this fulltime.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
For your anticipation. For your patience. For your support!
Thank you for feeling for the characters, laughing and crying with us, for allowing us to take you along on an adventure in your mind!
Thank you for your feedback on YouTube and Patreon, for participating in our polls and your honest reactions.
We would like you to think that with each project we create, you’ve created a part of it with us. We are truly grateful for all of your help!
Do you love to be immersed in a fantasy world?
So do we! We love to create new worlds and audio stories for you
As Audio Epics we are best known for our dramatized audiobook Witch Hunter, a gothic epic fantasy story that you can listen to for free on YouTube. The story is set in the world of Hruda which is inspired by lots of different game and table top roleplay settings, like Warhammer. That’s why there are a lot of Warhammer fantasy fans amongst our listeners. What makes our stories unique is that they are brought to life by voice performances, sound effects and an original music score by musical talents such as Peter Van Riet, Ivan Duch, Dayn Leonardson and Vincent Pichal.
About us
Domien De Groot & Eline Hoskens
Before we met, in 2007, there were a number of occassions where we could have met, because we were in the same place at the same time, but didn’t. After we met there were numerous other opportunities where we would have met. So it was clear to us: meeting each other was meant to be…
Not only do we share the same love for fantasy and storytelling but we have the same vision on what a good story should be like. In 2015 we got married and later on we discovered that we collaborate well as a writing team too.
We both love fantasy as a genre. We love to escape to Middle Earth, Narnia or the wonderful settings of The Elder Scrolls. We love to discover new places in roleplay settings like Warhammer, D&D or 13th Age. We love to see entire worlds come to life in fantasy and we’re both convinced no one did it better than J.R.R. Tolkien.
We’ve both loved stories since we could enjoy them, in books, movies, games, audio books or audio dramas. Audio as a medium has always appealed to us, since it activates your imagination in a unique, vivid and memorable way. As children we were both fond of the Lecturama fairytale cassette tapes.
We both love language and stories. We studied Germanic languages and linguistics, English and Dutch in particular. We got our master degrees in linguistics (Domien) and literature (Eline) and as movie fans both picked another master in film studies and visual culture as a finishing touch.
Want to collaborate or hire us?
Are you working on a project that requires a script, sound editing or voice-over and that might be a match for us? Feel free to contact us for a possible collaboration.
Email Address Domien
Email Address Eline