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Domien & Eline - Audio Epics

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Join our delightful Patreon community!

NewsThe official pre-launch... On Wednesday March 17th 7:30 a.m. CET we had the honour of pre-launching our Patreon page to our local business community. Since the Covid restrictions were still in effect and we were not allowed to organize a physical meeting, we...

The dramatized audiobook

NewsThe Dramatized audiobook On communities like Reddit you often read questions from people looking for: 'Audio books with music and sound effects' 'Audiobooks with sound effects and various voice actors' 'Audiobooks with voice acting and sound effects' 'Audiobooks...

The Beast of the Western Wilds is Parsec Awards finalist!

NewsBeast is 2018 Parsec Awards Finalist! We're happy to announce that The Beast of the Western Wilds is a finalist in this year's Parsec Awards. The Witch Hunter adventure has been selected among three other productions to compete in the category Best Speculative...