by Domien | Aug 30, 2017 | News
Both Witch Hunter and The Will of the Woods are now — finally — available on CD! We’ve always been fans of good old-fashioned physical media. And now, we have finally found a way to release our audio stories on CD! This is great news for fellow CD...
by Domien | Aug 17, 2017 | News
Unboxing a bunch of awesome stuff that we’re releasing! First up is The Beast of the Western Wilds — the book, which is already available on amazon. And then we’re showing off the CD versions of The Will of the Woods and Witch Hunter that you can...
by Domien | Aug 11, 2017 | News
To celebrate the release of the written version of The Beast of the Western Wilds, the original novel Witch Hunter will be free to download as an e-book this weekend! From August 12th until August 13th, you can just download it from Amazon for the nicely round price...
by Domien | Aug 10, 2017 | News
The Beast of the Western Wilds, a novella set one year before the events in Witch Hunter, is now available as an e-book on the Amazon Kindle store! The story will soon also be available as a printed book and the audio dramatization is of course in the making! This...
by Domien | Jun 30, 2017 | News
A new teaser, featuring The Song of the Bog-witch performed by Eline Hoskens and written by Domien De...
by Domien | Jun 24, 2017 | News
Our new production, The Beast of the Western Wilds, has been written. It’s a new adventure set before the events in Witch Hunter. Ludlov is once more the protagonist in this gothic horror extravaganza that takes place in the wilderness far from the well-known...