Our listener reviews

We thank our fans for all the constructive feedback and positive comments on our stories. These are some of the reactions we have received on our channels, like YouTube, Podbean and Goodreads.

Alan McEvoy on YouTube

“This is the best audio book I have heard in years. It is well written and dramatized by very talented actors. This audiobook well worth the time to listen to. After only a few minutes I was hooked with a story that transported you to the gothic world of 7 peaks. Everything in this production just seems to click: the story music and the acting. Well done! I hope its not the last we have heard of Ludlov…”

Isaiah Zero on YouTube

“Just astonishing! I’ve been searching for an interesting story and came across this. I highly recommend it. Usually it takes a lot to drag me into a story and this attracted my attention immediately. I loved it and can’t wait to listen to more! I’ll be recommending it to my peers who also enjoy audio books. – I feel like I’m watching a movie rather than listening to an audio book. The amount of detail captures me in such a way I can’t stop listening so far I’ve listened to two videos without pause or break! Can’t wait to hear more and I’ll hate it when I’m finished.”

Christian le Dous on YouTube

“I just heard this tale for the first but not last time. It was none other then epic. How else do you describe wandering home in the rain with your little umbrella, protecting your electronics while listening to the last chapter of The Witch Hunter. And as the end music plays, you step into the door of your home, and first there notices your shoes are a soaking, as one happy tear gathering at the edge of your eye. ‘For they shall meet again'”

Kaylee on YouTube

“Just found this amazing work congratulations!”

John P M on YouTube

“If ever there was a way to do something right, this is it. WOW! You took me to another world.”

David McBeardface on YouTube

“One of if not the best audio books that I have listened to. Well written, voiced, scored, edited amazing. Keep up the amazing work. I look forward to more in the series. (I wish somebody would make it a movie)”

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(234) 301-3513

1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 95123