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Witches hat - Witch Hunter

Witch Hunter stories

Gothic fantasy stories in the world of Hruda, the setting of Witch Hunter, The Beast of the Western Wilds and The Treasure of Boneyard Bay.

Fairy Will of the Woods


Fairytales for all ages set in the Infinite Woods, like The Will of the Woods. The next story in this series will be called The Wizard of the Woods.

Other stories

Other stories and storytelling podcast

Stories that are not our own but that we have contributed to. And we also want to explore a number of other settings and stories in the future. 

An eye for the listener

Audio Epics is an award-winning production company that creates fantasy audio drama, located in Flanders, Belgium. It was founded by Domien De Groot and Eline Hoskens, who found each other in their mutual love for storytelling and fantasy, with J.R.R. Tolkien as unbeatable favourite.

We aim to create strange and wonderful places for people of all ages to visit in their imaginations. We want to stir the heart and rouse the spirit with our fantasy audio drama productions and dramatized audiobooks. And we want to bring back the magic of the medium of audio.

Talented voice actors, beautifully composed original music and a rich environment of sounds and effects bring our stories to life.

You can listen to these audio dramas for free. They are streaming on YouTube and Podbean, or you can purchase the download on Bandcamp!

Listen to our stories for free on YouTube!

Do you love to be immersed in a fantasy world?

So do we! We love to create new worlds and audio stories for you to enjoy!

As Audio Epics we are best known for our dramatized audiobook Witch Hunter, a gothic epic fantasy story that you can listen to for free on YouTube. The story is set in the world of Hruda which is inspired by lots of different game and table top roleplay settings, like Warhammer. That’s why there are a lot of Warhammer fantasy fans amongst our listeners. What makes our stories unique is that they are brought to life by voice performances, sound effects and an original music score by musical talents such as Peter Van Riet, Ivan Dutch, Dayn Leonardson and Vincent Pichal.

How can you support us?

There are numerous ways to support us to create more audio drama or dramatized audiobooks. Most of them won’t even cost you a penny. We’re eternally grateful nonetheless, as we just LOVE working on these stories!

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You can buy our books on Amazon and review them there or on Goodreads.

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Most people find us on YouTube. Help us by subscribing or commenting to our videos.

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We’re not very present on social media so sharing means a lot to us!

word of mouth

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Download and listen

Listen to our stories and download them from Bandcamp.

Family picture Domien and Eline
Audio Epics on Patreon

These people inspire us every day to create more content and help us expand our fantasy universe:

Creators: Dustin Garner, Antonio Henrique & Sam Hodge
Saints: Peter Strandkrone & Justin Stawarz
Grand Generals: Joseph Stowell, Matte Patane & Liam Gabriel.
Witch Hunter Masters: Mix&Match, Jiří Duřt, & Kaitlin Bredenkamp
Witch Hunters: Ryan Stock Osarion. 
Captains of the Guard: Dragan Ciric
Guardsmen: Deric Moats & Joseph C.

Become a Patron

Join our Patreon community and receive great benefits, at the moment you join and with the release of each new project. Become a Guardsman ($ 1), Captain of the Guard ($ 3), Witch Hunter ($ 5), Witch Hunter Master ($ 10), Grand General ($ 15), Saint ($ 25) or Creator ($ 50) . When in doubt, you can even become a free member. Check out which rewards you would love the most!

fans already became PATRONS

About us

Domien De Groot & Eline Hoskens

Before we met, in 2007, there were a number of occassions where we could have met, because we were in the same place at the same time, but didn’t. After we met there were numerous other opportunities where we would have met. So it was clear to us: meeting each other was meant to be…
Not only do we share the same love for fantasy and storytelling but we have the same vision on what a good story should be like. In 2015 we got married and later on we discovered that we collaborate well as a writing team too.

Family De Groot - Audio Epics 2023


We both love fantasy as a genre. We love to escape to Middle Earth, Narnia or the wonderful settings of The Elder Scrolls. We love to discover new places in roleplay settings like Warhammer, D&D or 13th Age. We love to see entire worlds come to life in fantasy and we’re both convinced no one did it better than J.R.R. Tolkien.


We’ve both loved stories since we could enjoy them, in books, movies, games, audiobooks or audio dramas. Audio as a medium has always appealed to us, since it activates your imagination in a unique, vivid and memorable way. As children we were both fond of the Lecturama fairytale cassette tapes.


We both love language and stories. We studied Germanic languages and linguistics, English and Dutch in particular. We got our master degrees in linguistics (Domien) and literature (Eline) and as movie fans both picked another master in film studies and visual culture as a finishing touch.

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I am LOVING this! I am huge fan of the Dragonage and The Witcher book series. And this story has that “flavor” of both series. The templars in Dragonage have the Rite of Annulment and the main witch hunter Ludlov reminds me a bit of Geralt of Rivia with his mannerisms, temperament and personality. But is still completely it’s own original story…I don’t have a lot of time to read and fortunately my job is such that I can listen to audiobooks and work at the same time. So am never bored. Great job on the writing and to everyone who contributed to the story and podcast. I can’t wait to start the Will of the Woods series! 🙂 Oh and the doctor that heals Semina reminds of Dandelion from The Witcher. At least his mannerisms anyway. The doctor had me snickering the whole time…..

Mindy Stoermann

“This is the best audio book I have heard in years! It is well written and dramatized by very talented actors.This audiobook well worth the time to listen to. After only a few minutes I was hooked with a story that transported you the gothic world of 7 peaks. Everything in this production just seem to click the story music and the acting. Well done I hope its not the last we have heard of Ludlov.”

Alan McEvoy


Read the latest news about Audio Epics here!

10 horror tropes in audio that really work

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Join our delightful Patreon community!

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The dramatized audiobook

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Prefer to read an actual book?

If you’re not fond of audiobooks or audio drama or you simply prefer to read an e-book or a physical copy of a book to listening to a story, we have most of our audio stories available as books on Amazon.

The Beast of the Western Wilds book cover

Want to collaborate or hire us?

Are you working on a project that requires a script, sound editing or voice-over and that might be a match for us? Feel free to contact us for a possible collaboration.

Email Address Domien


Email Address Eline
