Questions about Witch Hunter

Here is another new episode of the Audio Epics podcast! In this episode, we take the time to answer a bunch of questions listeners have asked about Witch Hunter. I had a great time doing this, so if you liked this episode, tell us and send us more questions so we can...

A tribute to my grandfather

There is a new episode of the Audio Epics podcast. In this episode, I (Domien) reminisce about my grandfather, who passed away three months ago and who was a great influence on my audio drama stuff. I also ramble on a bit about upcoming stories and I say thanks to all...

A tribute to Bill Hollweg

A tribute to Bill Hollweg Written by  Published:  News  Last update: February 5, 2024 A Tribute to Bill Hollweg The new episode of our podcast is very brief, but we wanted to devote it to one thing only: a tribute to Bill Hollweg, a great and inspiring man in the...

The Audio Epics approach: Part Three – Narration

This topic seems to be the most contentious one within the audio drama community. Many contributors to the world of contemporary audio storytelling have strong opinions about having a narrator in the story or not. So why is this such an important question? At its...

Episode Two is out!

The second chapter in the epic gothic fantasy known as Witch Hunter! In the aftermath of the great fire, Ludlov visits the mayor to tell him of Adomir’s fate. Meanwhile, Samina is locked up in the dungeons, arrested for unauthorised magical healing…...